Wait, hold the phone. Really? I didn’t even know Costco even sold these bags!
Apparently, according to Fashionista, Costco occasionally sells Louis Vuitton and Chanel bags. Soon, it might not be the case. Why? Basically it’s something about luxury brands, like the Swiss watchmaker Omega, appealing to the courts about having the right to control who buys their products in the grey market. The grey market where secondary sellers buy luxury brands at a large discount. I think it’s pretty crazy to find out that Costco even occasionally sells these luxury brands. It’s kind of ironic? Don’t you think? Costco selling Chanel? Haha WOW! Personally, I haven’t seen these bags sold at Costco, but now I guess I’ll be looking around to see if these bags are sold!
Have you seen these bags sold at Costco? Have you or would you buy bags from Costco?
I had no idea Costco sold luxury bags. O_____O;; Dang. I guess Chanel is ruining their image so they've decided to not sell them. ;D