martes, 6 de abril de 2010

Eighth Inch: Yeah, it's a bike


Fixie, also known as Fixed Gear, is the new revolution to biking. As much of a sport this is, it also has become in a sense, a trend throughout all major cities, as youngsters in their mid 20’s discover new ends to a beginning.
I’m just getting into the sport of fixed gear bikes and I’m learning a lot. I came across this site called It has great deals on frame sets at an affordable price.
Riding Fixie is a statement and shedding your true colors is basically what your bike does for you. It expresses your inner spirit and passion towards life. People go to far extremes, building and tuning their fixed gear bikes up, which, in a nut shell, describes who that person really is. Taste, Color, and Design are all elements on how I see the Fixed Gear community growing. Damn, I can’t wait ‘til I get one! For now, I’m stuck on the good old BMX for now. lol 

Now that’s a handy tool! It’s a socket and bottle opener.

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